Acceptance and rejection

11 April 2018

Na chwilę wybiegnijmy nieco w przyszłość i pomińmy etap rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej (job interview - na nią poświęcimy oddzielny wpis) i zastanówmy się co będzie gdy nasza starania zostaną docenione lub, jak to niestety czasem w życiu bywa - zostaniemy odprawieni z przysłowiowym kwitkiem. Podajemy receptę na oba scenariusze wydarzeń jako przykładową odpowiedź na akceptację jak i odrzucenie naszego podania o pracę. Zapraszamy.

Accepting Job Offer

Bielsko-BiałaNovember 15, 2017
Ms. Anne Waterspoon
HR Director CounterPart
Bielsko-Biała, 11 Listopada St. 56

Dear Ms Waterspoon:

I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for CounterPart. I am very pleased to accept the position as Personal Assistant. The position requires exactly the kind of work I want to do and I know that I will do a good job for you. As we discussed, I shall begin work on December 15, 2017. In the meantime, I shall complete the required physical examination. I enjoyed my interviews with you and look forward to beginning work with the Planning Unit.

Sincerely yours,
Magdalena Kowalska

Responding to Rejection

Bielsko-Biała November 15, 2017
Ms. Anne Waterspoon
HR Director CounterPart
Bielsko-Biała, 11 Listopada St. 56

Dear Ms. Waterspoon:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for the Personal Assistant position with your company. I appreciate your consideration and interest in me. Although I am disappointed in not being selected for your current vacancy, I want you to know that I appreciated the courtesy and professionalism shown to me during the selection process. I enjoyed meeting you and the other members of your staff. I want to reiterate my strong interest in working for you. Please keep me in mind if another position becomes available in the near future. Again, thank you for the opportunity to interview and best wishes to you and your staff.

Yours truly, Magdalena Kowalska

Waszej uwadze polecamy także pozostałe wpisy na naszym blogu:

  1. Thank You Letter
  2. Aproach Letter
  3. Cover letter - list motywacyjny po angielsku